This chia smoothie bowl is a delicious start to your day! Topped with fresh strawberries, chocolate chips and crunchy chia seeds, this breakfast is versatile. t's easy to make with your oven flavors.
Add the milk, 2 tablespoons honey and chia seeds to a bowl. Blend with an immersion blender for one minute. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The chia seeds will set up to a thick pudding consistency. 1 1/2 cups 2% milk, 1/2 cup chia seeds, 2 tablespoons honey
In a separate bowl combine the yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 cup strawberries. Blend with an immersion blender until smooth. Cover and refrigerate overnight. 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup strawberries, 2 tablespoons honey
The next morning assemble the smoothie bowls. On one side of the bowl, pour about 1/2 cup chia seed mixture. Use a silicone spatula to "hold" the chia mixture on one side of the bowl while pouring 1/2 cup of smoothie on the other side. Remove the spatula and the two sides will meet in the middle.
Top with chopped strawberries, chocolate chips and more chia seeds.
The honey can be reduced or increased according to taste. Start with 1 tablespoon and add more if needed. I used whole milk and whole milk yogurt.Refer to the article above for more tips and tricks.Use non dairy milk like unsweetened almond milk or oat milk.The calories shown are based on the recipe making 4 bowls, with 1 serving being 1 bowl. Since different brands of ingredients have different nutritional information, the calories shown are just an estimate. **We are not dietitians and recommend you seek a nutritionist for exact nutritional information. The information in the nutrition box are calculated through a program and there is room for error. If you need an accurate count, I recommend running the ingredients through your favorite nutrition calculator.**