You can't resist a slice of this warm, cinnamon Amish Friendship Bread. This quick bread starts with a sweet sourdough and makes two loaves. Perfect for gift-giving!
Mix ½ cup sugar and 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon into a small bowl. Dust the greased pans with half of this cinnamon/sugar mixture.
Pour the batter evenly into the pans and sprinkle the remaining sugar mixture over the batter.
Bake for 1 hour or until the a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean.
Cool until the bread loosens from the pan evenly and turn onto a serving dish.
*To make muffins, spray two muffin pans with cooking spray. Sprinkle the greased muffin cups with the cinnamon sugar mixture. Fill the muffin cups 2/3 full with batter. Bake at 425 for 5 minutes, then without opening the oven, reduce the oven temperature to 375 degrees and bake for an additional 13 minutes or until the top of the muffin bounces back when you touch it.