Hi, I’m Julie Clark, the CEO of Tastes of Lizzy T, a place to find old-fashioned comfort foods and classic recipes your family will love. My daughters, Maddie and Kinslee, are part of the creative genius behind the recipes you see here.
We have collectively spent the past 45 years refining the traditional art of baking and cooking. I have a B.A. in Education and I love the joy of learning and teaching what I’ve learned.
I’m a self and family-taught cook, gleaning everything I could from my mom, old church cookbooks, and my grandmas. My passion for this business originated with a desire to instill both cooking skills and entrepreneurship into my children.
Tastes of Lizzy T began as a school project for my daughter Maddie (see more below). Long before that, when I was in high school, I’d cook dinner for my family. This was the start of my desire to learn everything I could about quality ingredients, time-tested techniques for making the best comfort food.
So, if you add the hours upon hours I used to spend with my now 98 and 99 year old grandmas, our total experience in the kitchen is over 200 years!!
We are continuing to learn…and we’re happy to be sharing only the best with you!
Julie has a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education. From 1998 to 2004 she was a registered secondary education teacher for the state of Ohio. She decided to leave teaching as a career so that she could simultaneously homeschool her three children and build a home business.
Since then, she has taken several online business workshops and hands-on culinary courses. She loves to learn!
Our Mission
Tastes of Lizzy T is where food brings family together.
Our mission is to revive the thrill of preparing and sharing comforting, heartfelt food with family and friends.
So who is Lizzy T?
So where does the “Lizzy T” name come from?
Here’s the story. When the kids were younger, they often made a little home restaurant for Matt and me. They’d cook up something fancy and serve it to us in courses with a special setting as a high-end restaurant would.
The first time we did the restaurant, the name Lizzy T’s Bistro was born! The name Lizzy T came from a combination of the their middle names: Lizzy (Elizabeth), T (Taylor) and Bistro for Braden.
The Start
It was 6 years ago. Maddie was in 6th grade and was getting to an age where we needed to find a better way to connect together. To tackle a project that allowed us to spend time together, learn together and laugh together.
It was about that time when I came across my first food blog. I was enamored with it. Photography, cooking and writing had always been my passions so when I saw them combined together in a cool little website I thought, “Wow…that would be fun! I could totally do that!”
Maddie had also come to love cooking and baking. She’s also always been an amazing writer. She needed a midterm project for school, so I approached her and asked her if she wanted to start a food blog. We had a private little family blog where we posted about our daily activities so I knew what a “blog” was, but I really had no idea what I was about to get us both into.
What Made Us Fall in Love with Blogging
About three weeks after we published our first post in 2013, we had a comment from a woman who was from America, but living in Southeast Asia. She was so excited to find our pizza dough recipe because it was so hard to find a good pizza in Asia and it was one food she really missed.
Hearing her story and her kind words to us helped us realize that we weren’t just publishing recipes for our family members to read, but that we had the ability to truly help others and bring happiness to people all over the world through our recipes.
How Can You Keep Up With Us?
The best way to keep up with what’s going on is to subscribe by email to our newsletter. We’ll send an update once a week to let you know of new posts. This is also how we’ll let you know about contest and giveaways we have going on.
You can also find us on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and our favorite, Instagram! You can also join in on the conversation by leaving a comment on one of our recipes or send a comment to the email here.
Looking to work with us?
Find out more below or you can email us to request a media kit.